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Solitude In The Woods Tradiční keška

Kešku založil Dear Dora Napsat autorovi
Založeno : 01/30/2008
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Velikost: Size:   střední (střední)

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Popis kešky

Along the nature trail
Somewhere along the nature trail

After a short drive beyond Lake Lure on Hwy 74, bear right at the fork onto Hwy 9, and you will come to Donald Ross Nature Trail Park on the left. It's right across the street from a large, well-known grocery chain.

Parking is obvious. This is a new nature trail park, located in Lake Lure. It is still under construction, and you will see lots of work in progress as they clear dead wood, and define the trails.

Your first decision.
Your first decision

Shortly after walking into the entrance, you will come to a fork in the path. To find THIS cache, take the left fork on the Dogwood Trail, & follow your GPS. Or, if you prefer, you can take the right path (Piney Hill Trail) to find our other cache in the park, In The Woods At Lake Lure. Since both trails terminate at Creekside Trail at the other end, either choice will lead you to both caches. Finding both caches will result in you completing a "loop" hike of approx. .5 mile.

Enjoy the trails and the "Solitude in The Woods," and if you are lucky, you might see some wildlife.

The cache container is a 6" square plastic container with a rather tight fitting lid. Please be sure it is resealed tightly, and rehidden completely when you leave. Also, remember that animals and woodland critters have very sensitive noses, so please do not leave any food or scented items in the cache. Thanks!

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Dear Dora


Nápověda (Dešifrovat)

haqre n fznyy snyyra gerr, pbirerq jvgu yrnirf naq fgvpxf

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