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The Curse Tradiční keška

Založeno : 04/06/2007
1 out of 5
3 out of 5

Velikost: Size:   střední (střední)

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Popis kešky

The name of the cache refers to what you will undoubtedly say on the way up - it is a steep hill.

More particularly, it relates to the unexpected death of the 5th Lord Carnarvon who is buried here and whose home was Highclear Castle which you can see some two miles to the north-west. He was the sponsor of Howard Carter and was in the first group to enter the tomb of Tutankhamun in November 1922. His suspicious death in Cairo five months later was accompanied by strange goings on at the castle, and was the first to be associated with the curse of the boy pharaoh. Legend has it that by 1929 eleven of the people connected with the discovery of the tomb had died. I have been fortunate enough to visit the tomb in Egypt and admire many of the artifacts. Since some of the treasures were exhibited in London later in the year the cache was placed, it seemed appropriate to celebrate with a cache this local connection with Tutankhamun. Confront The Curse if you dare......

Nápověda (Dešifrovat)

Haqre tbefr ohfu ol gerrf. Ab arrq gb pebff gur srapr.

Dekódovací klíč


(písmena v horní řadě odpovídají písmenům v dolní řadě a naopak)