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B&B8 Maasi Stronghold / Maasilinn Traditional Cache

Hidden : 7/26/2009
1.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

[ENG] If it's hot summer and you are looking for a place to cool down then there is no better place than the catacombs of the Maasi Stronghold. You don't need a flashlight (but you will see more if you have one!) nor a ticket to enjoy a walk in this magnificent place. From the higher floor you have a great panorama including the Small Strait (Väike väin), Muhu island and the Sea of Straits (Väinameri). Now, a little bit about the history:
The beginnings of this stronghold go back to around XIV century. From then on, the fortification were expanded, demolished and again reconstructed several times while changing the rulers. The castle was finally blown up in 1576 by the Danish (to avoid being captured by Swedes) and has been waiting until around year 2000 to be once again restored in some part and allow visitors to walk its chambers. To learn more please see the links below or the information board at the site.

Links: Orissaare vald, [ENG] and Wiki [EST]

About the cache
This cache is published on: [], [] and []
Car parking available. Do not take any shortcuts, follow the road to the left of the parking area and then a path until 0-point. Be careful, muggles a.k.a. tourists can see you from the ruins. Please respect the place, do not dig the ground.
Warning: a rather large dog lives nearby and is sometimes let loose to run around the ruins, he seems neautral to tourists but be careful if you bring along your pet.
Container is a plastic box (dimensions: 9 x 9 x 6 cm) put in a vapour permeable membrane sachet - it should allow the box to dry fast after getting wet - we are testing how this method works so please do NOT add any plastic bag.

Original contents
» logbook, pencil, sharpener, FTF diploma, GC instructions
» Shrek throwing toy, lock, reflector, balloon, jumping toy, pumpkin eraser, green stone, smiley badge, Polish coin
» GeoKrets: B&B's Little My
» TravelBugs: Hot Rod

Happy hunting!

[EST] Kui sa otsid soojal suvepäeval jahedat kohta, siis ei ole paremat kohta Maasi linnuse katakombides. Taskulampi pole sul vaja (kuid kahju ei tee ta kindlasti ning aitab ka kõige pimedamaid nurki uurida), samuti ei ole piletit vaja osta, et selles suurepärases kohas jalutada. Veidike ajaloost:
Linnuse ajalugu ulatub XIV sajandisse. Sellest ajast on Maasilinna laiendatud, ülesehitatud ja uuesti hävitatud mitmeid kordi erinevate valitsejate poolt. Viimast korda õhati linnus 1576. aastal taanlaste poolt, et rootslased seda endale ei saaks. Hoone ootas oma aega aastani 2000, kui seda hakati taaskord vaikselt üles ehitama ning külastajaid lubati linnuse varemetesse uudistama. Täpsemalt saab Maasilinna kohta lugeda järgnevatelt lehekülgedelt või koha peal olevalt infotahvlilt.

Kasutatud materjalid:
Orissaare vald, [ENG] ja Wiki [EST]

See aare on avaldatud: [], [] ja [].
Auto saab tasuta parkida ning siis võite jätkata oma retke jalgsi mööda teed. Aare asub väljaspool linnust, kuigi turistid näevad teid sealt ja on lihtsasti ligipääsetav mööda ettekäidud rada kuni 0-punktini. Austage seda kaitse all olevat kohta, ärge kaevake ega sonkige maad, ärge ehitage müüri ümber ega laske enam midagi õhku!
Konteineriks on plastkarp (mõõtmed: 9 x 9 x 6 cm), mis on pandud spetsiaalsesse ümbrisesse ja see peaks laskma karbil kiiresti kuivada. Testime seda, seega palun ärge pange karpi kilekotti.

Algselt karbis
» logiraamat, pliiats, teritaja, esmaleidja diplom, GP juhend
» Shrek viskemäng, lukk, helkur, õhupall, hüppav mänguasi, kõrvitsa kustutuskumm, roheline kivi, smiley märk, Poola münt
» GeoKret: B&B's Little My
» TravelBug: Hot Rod

Edukaid otsinguid!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[ENG] Haqre gur rqtr, oruvaq n fgbar [EST] Frein nyy, xviv gntn

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)