no name Rock Shop near Salem, IN
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member 8Nuts MotherGoose
N 38° 45.030 W 086° 06.502
16S E 577479 N 4289467
Located 10 miles North of Salem, Indiana.
Waymark Code: WMYKP
Location: Indiana, United States
Date Posted: 11/13/2006
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member OpinioNate
Views: 106

As you drive Indiana Highway 135 north out of Salem, about 10 miles out you will see signs on top of a hill. Big Rock Sale. This part of Indiana has lots of geodes in the local streams that have worn out of the limestone. This is the place to buy what you need. Some are hollow and some are filled with quartz crystals. There is no building to house them, only rough made tables with side rails to prevent these circular stones from rolling off. The owner lives in the house behind the fenced in rock yard.

If you are looking for a hollow geode with crystals, there are a couple ways to increase your chances according to the owner. First, try shaking the stone and listen. Loose crystals inside of a geode will rattle. Another way is to select two stone of the same size. Which of the two feels lighter? Dispose of the heavier stone and select another. Do this several times, always keeping the lighter one. Combine the two methods and you may get lucky enough to have a crystal lined geode.

Have you ever wanted to own your own Rock Shop? Here’s your chance for a good start. The entire inventory of this business is for sale. The owner wants to retire and is ready to sell. Just make a deal and haul it all away.

Rock Yard: yes

Accept Credit Cards: no


Meteorites: no

Theme: No theme - Just Geodes - Lots of them.

Street Address:
10201 N. State Rd 135
Vallonia, IN USA

Seasonal: From: 01/01/2006 To: 12/31/2006

Rock Hounding: no

Website: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
What did you buy, if anything? and a photo of the location would be appreciated.
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