Elvis' coat in Hard Rock Café Store - London
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member tofixe
N 51° 30.232 W 000° 08.935
30U E 697866 N 5709713
Inside the Hard Rock Café Store you'll find this coat worn by Elvis in 1974-
Waymark Code: WMXR1D
Location: London, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 02/17/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Sneakin Deacon
Views: 6

In the vault of the store you'll find this red and black coat. There is a plaque saying "Elvis Presley nay be the single most importante figure in american 20th century popular music. He was responsible for popularizing rock & rol on an international level. This coat was worn for casual occasions by "The King of Rock n' Roll" in 1974".
Additional waypoint: Not Listed

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