Lincoln's First Visit to Pittsburgh
N 40° 27.009 W 080° 00.296
17T E 584378 N 4478196
A forlorn little plaque memorializing Lincoln's brief stop on his way to being inaugurated. The category's equivalent of a rest stop cache.
Waymark Code: WMX6V
Location: Pennsylvania, United States
Date Posted: 11/02/2006
Views: 72
So, I'm out on a waymarking expedition during my lunch hour, because the weather is ideal for photography. I collected about a half dozen waymarks, and then DNF'd a Pennsylvania Historic Marker that wasn't on the street it was supposed to be on. Dejected, I started walking back across the Allegheny River to my office.
Then I round a corner at the very busy intersection where you enter the Allegheny Center complex, at the rather nondescript U.S. Post Office, and I see it. No, I didn't waymark the post office -- that category doesn't "wow" me.
What I saw was a *plaque* memorializing Honest Abe's first visit to Pittsburgh. I have walked or driven past this spot how many times and never noticed it. That is the cool thing about waymarking -- sharing these spots with others. I like stumbling upon waymarks randomly like this. It is truly like a scavenger hunt.
Here is the text of the marker:
"This tablet commemmorates the first visit of Abraham Lincoln who arrived at this point on February 14, 1861 Remaining in Pittsburgh for a few hours enroute to his inauguration in Washington."
To rescue this waymark from being lame, please click on the hyperlink below. It will take you to a complete newspaper account of Lincoln's visit to Pittsburgh, from getting off the train at this point, to his impromptu speech, to his brief overnight stay at the Monongahela Hotel. Reading this contemporary account is very cool.
The key enduring quote from Lincoln's speech during his visit to Pittsburgh: "Labor is the true standard of value."
This will never be the coolest waymark in this category. But I sure did have fun discovering it!
Location Type: Historic Marker
 Property Type: Public
 Date of Event: February 14, 1861
 Location Notes: Park at Allegheny Center garage and cross the street to the post office. On street parking here is a challenge.
 URL for Additional Information: [Web Link]

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