Lincoln Statue - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Sneakin Deacon
N 35° 32.171 W 097° 28.984
14S E 637518 N 3933564
This statue of President Abraham Lincoln stands at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Waymark Code: WMWJV
Location: Oklahoma, United States
Date Posted: 10/27/2006
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member The Cheeseheads
Views: 123

President Abraham Lincoln is remembered as the President who led a nation divided by Civil War, but while in office President Lincoln contributed in several ways to the settlement of the west. In May of 1862, he signed the Homestead Act, which permitted more than a million families to take ownership of western farmland. In July of 1862, he also signed the College Land Grand Act, which allowed the establishment of colleges in the frontier west. In 1862 and 1864 President Lincoln used his influence to pass the Railroad Land Grants, which laid the groundwork for the transcontinental railroad that hastened the settlement of the western frontier.

As a result of these significant contributions leading to the settlement of the west, President Lincoln is honored with this statue, at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Museum Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The statue was created by renowned artist James Earl Fraser, which portrayal Lincoln sitting on a stone on a hill overlooking Washington, and gazing down on the troubled capitol of the Union, his shoulders revealing the burden of his office. Fraser also created one of the most famous pieces of Western Art, the “End of the Trail” statue. The plaster model of which stands in the museum’s entrance.
Source/Credit: The National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Museum.
Location Type: Statue/Bust/Portrait

Property Type: Public

Date of Event: The statue was dedicated in June of 1930

Location Notes:
The National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Museum is located at 1700 N.E. 63rd Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and is open from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Daily. Admission to the museum is $8.50 for Adults ($7.50 for Senior Citizens ages 62 and over) Admission to the museum is required to claim this waymark.

URL for Additional Information: [Web Link]

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