Trees of Life - Truro, NS
N 45° 22.051 W 063° 16.439
20T E 478544 N 5023814
A metal sculpture to the fight against cancer.
Waymark Code: WMWC14
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Date Posted: 08/11/2017
Views: 2
The sculpture measures 30 x 18 ft and consists of three metal trees, each with 12 rings representing each month of the year and the 12 days of Christmas. Each tree has a butterfly on top symbolic of the cancer society and a ring on top, which is reflective of an angel's halo. The sculpture is painted a flat reddish brown.
The sculpture has two plaques bearing a poem, created by Smith. It's called the Tree of Life 2008 : "Like the tree of life the memories still keep on growing. As we all grow older we have to share the time with others, because we all need each other to grow together and be stronger."
A central round plaque reads "The Trees of Life with its angels and butterflies looking down over the twelve rings like the twelve months in the year, keeping the hope alive that cancer can be beaten we will always remember the loved ones we have lost. We will all miss you. Wayne Smith."
Title of Piece: Trees of Life
Artist: Wayne Smith
Material/Media: steel
Location (specific park, transit center, library, etc.): Riverfront Park
Web link(s) for additional information: [Web Link]
Visit Instructions:Enjoy taking your photos from varying angles to really show off the beauty of the piece. Please include your impressions of the piece.
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