00000/128 - Saint Avaugourd, France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member sara et gege
N 46° 30.805 W 001° 29.102
30T E 616217 N 5152209
An old Michelin terminal Une ancienne borne Michelin
Waymark Code: WMW3EJ
Location: Pays de la Loire, France
Date Posted: 07/05/2017
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Aladdin
Views: 10

The Michelin corner post of 1935 has been repainted. It is located on the main square of the village in front of the church.
A new new sign is in place, but the terminal has remained.

La Borne d'angle Michelin de 1935 a été repeinte. Elle se trouve sur la place principale du village devant l'église.
Une nouvelle signalisation nouvelle est en place, mais la borne est restée.

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sara et gege visited 00000/128 - Saint Avaugourd, France 08/27/2017 sara et gege visited it