Majestic Chambers - Stoke, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.
N 53° 00.202 W 002° 11.140
30U E 554645 N 5872955
The Majestic Chambers are located on Campbell Place in Stoke.
Waymark Code: WMVNZ0
Location: West Midlands, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 05/11/2017
Views: 3
The Majestic Chambers are built in the art deco style and are located on Campbell Road in Stoke.
The building has shops on the ground level and the upper two floors are currently up for sale. The upper floors show typical art deco geometric ornament: parallel straight lines, zig-zags, lozenges. (
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"From the late 1930s to the 1950s the upper floors at Majestic Chambers appears to have served as purpose-built office space for professionals allied to the building trades, accountants, and similar professionals.
As the city’s heavy industries declined or collapsed in the 1970s, from the mid 1980s the offices of Majestic Chambers became home to quasi public-sector organisations. Such as the Staffordshire Housing Association Ltd.; Groundwork Stoke-on-Trent (the environmental landscaping charity); and trainers of the unemployed such as Model Systems Training."
Source: (
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In 1935 the Christadelphian Ecclesia worshipped in 9 Majestic Chambers.
The small Christadelphian Ecclesia in North Staffordshire was formed in 1910 and worshipped originally on the first floor of Sutherland Chambers, High Street, Stoke. After a period at Hanley, it returned to Stoke, where it used no. 9 Majestic Chambers, Campbell Place, in 1935 and Lonsdale House, Woodhouse Street, in 1936. It moved to Newcastle c. 1938 and thence to the Co-operative Guildroom, Tunstall, in 1953. In addition to the normal meetings the activities of this group included in recent years a Bible study class which was held for some time in the Moorland Cafe, Burslem. (
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