Price Tower Armillary Sundial - Bartlesville, OK
N 36° 44.857 W 095° 58.592
15S E 234252 N 4071007
It appears that Frank Lloyd Wright designed this, too!
Waymark Code: WMVEX
Location: Oklahoma, United States
Date Posted: 10/16/2006
Views: 67
When Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Price Tower in 1956, he also designed its furniture, its light fixtures, even the fabric used in the interior decorations. Walk all the way around the building, and you find nifty little details like this armillary sundial.
We like sundials because they do not bother with daylight savings time or time zones, and usually have no trouble deciphering them However, we did not find this one to be immediately comprehensible. We studied the shadows, but it would take a lot more than the correction charts we found to make the numbers match up to anything close to the real time.
The coordinates are exact. The sundial sits on a street corner, so it is approachable at any time. But why would anyone want to visit a sundial at night, or on a cloudy day?
Sundial Type: Armillary Sphere - series of rings in plane of equator
Related Web Site: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
Only one log per location per person. You should log your own waymarked sundials as well.
GPS in photo optional.