Mattoni Waterfall - Kyselka, Czech Republic
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N 50° 15.514 E 012° 59.968
33U E 357403 N 5569294
Mattoni Waterfall in former Kyselka Spa
Waymark Code: WMTDEC
Location: Karlovarský kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 11/06/2016
Views: 22
The Kyselka Spa (Czech: Lázne Kyselka; German: Bad Giesshübl), , is a complex of former public baths in the village of Kyselka in the vicinity of Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic.
The local springs had been discovered hundreds of years ago; the first written account dates back to 1522. The fame of the spa and the tasty water was growing; in 1852 Otto of Greece visited the place and the main spring was named after him.
In 1867 the main spring was rented by the Czech businessman of Italian-German origin Heinrich K. Mattoni who began to bottle the water in glass bottles and export it worldwide. In 1873 he had enough money to buy the spa and the surrounding land. Before he died in 1910, he managed to build a new colonnade which roofed the famous “Otta’s spring” as well as the buildings of the sanatorium, the hydropathic institute, hotels, restaurants, promenades, the cableway, the chapel of Saint Anna (1884), his monumental residence (“The Chateau”), a hydroelectric power station and the buildings of the bottling plant.
Resumption of artificial waterfall, which for her house was built by Heinrich K. Mattoni, located in the park of the former spa Kyselka.
It is healing spring coming to the surface.
Mattoniho vodopád naleznete v parku bývalých lázních Kyselka. Jedná se o umelou kaskádu, kterou si nechal za svou vilou postavit na zacátku 19. století Jindrich Mattoni. Voda z Mattoniho pramene stéká vedle bývalé restaurace na zacátku lázenského areálu a odtéká pod silnicí do Ohre.
Mattoniho vodopád odvádí prebytecnou vodu z Ottova pramene a vodu, která prirozene stéká ze svahu nad Kyselkou. Architekti v dobe, kdy se Kyselka stavela, dokázali vodu, která by jinak tekla do domu, využít k vytvorení prírodní scenérie.
Nejvyšším bodem Mattoniho vodopádu je umele vytvorená jeskyne. V ní najdete ve "skále" usazené pítko s malým kamenným lavorem. Pítko a z cásti i Mattoniho vodopád napájí nedaleký minerální Ottuv pramen. Ten byl po dlouhá desetiletí hlavním zdrojem svetoznámé karlovarské minerálky. Ochutnat místní minerální vodu mužete práve pod Mattoniho vodopádem u volne prístupného jezírka.
Location of the waterfall: Kyselka, Czech Republic
 Coordinates of parking: N 50° 15.518 E 012° 59.905
 Fees: 0.00 (listed in local currency)
 Type / features of structure: Other, please specify in description
 Estimated height in meters: 10.00
 River/stream/lake/reservoir: Otta spring
 Flow dates: Not listed
 Estimated height in feet: Not Listed
 Estimated width in feet: Not Listed
 Estimated width in meters: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
To log this waymark, you will need to be able to prove to the waymark owner that you were at the waterfall in question. An original photo of the waterfall with your GPS in the photo would count as proof. Or a logged visit to a geocache in the area of the waterfall could also count as proof of a visit.