Hale - Halton, UK
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N 53° 20.116 W 002° 47.927
30U E 513398 N 5909585
This village sign was erected on the village green in the year 2000.
Waymark Code: WMT8YG
Location: North West England, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 10/16/2016
Views: 1
The sign was donated by the Hale line dancers and has the date 2000 above it. It shows a scene from the village not far from the green.
It shows some thatched houses and in the distance, St. Mary's Church.
The most famous resident of Hale was John Middleton, known as 'The Child of Hale'. This person, exceptionally tall, is reputed to have been 9 ft 3 inches tall, although this height was determined in the Victorian era when his body exhumed and his bones examined. It's generally believed that the height was inaccurately estimated although he was indeed an unusually tall person.
The end cottage on the sign, according to a blue plaque on the real one, was his house. Unfortunately the end cottage of the terrace next to this has burnt down in real life, the other houses are still inhabited though.
The grave of John Middleton is on the south side of the churchyard of St. Mary's.
Sign Date: 09/24/2000
 Occasion Commemorated: The Millennium
 Location: On the Village Green at junction of Town Lane and Church End
 Plaque: yes
 Construction Material: metal
 Web Address: [Web Link]
 Artist: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
To log a visit, a photograph of yourself or your GPSr by the village sign is required. Some description of your visit would be welcome.