Pony Express Park Oasys (Tabernas - Spain)
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Dragon Ball
N 37° 01.220 W 002° 25.888
30S E 550572 N 4097279
Pony Express reconstituted for filming movies cowboys .
Waymark Code: WMPBT9
Location: Andalucía, Spain
Date Posted: 08/05/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Checkmark
Views: 20

First of location , now educational park .
The Oasys Park, to discover the heritage cowboys .
We discover the pony express ...
Visit Instructions:
1) Locate and photograph a monument or memorial to the Pony Express, be it a stone or a mural or a roadside sign.

2) The standard rules apply: a photo of the goal and one of your GPS unit - no vacation photos or web downloads will be accepted.

3) Include the coordinates of the location and the name of the city or town in your log.

4) Feel free to include as much history as you'd like. Educate us!
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Dragon Ball visited Pony Express Park Oasys (Tabernas - Spain) 02/22/2016 Dragon Ball visited it