Microcosm and macrocosm - Kecskemet, Hungary
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N 46° 54.499 E 019° 41.658
34T E 400564 N 5195803
Work created in memory of music componist Bela Bartok. Statue on Freedom square (Szabadsàg tér).
Waymark Code: WMP6FV
Location: Bács-Kiskun, Hungary
Date Posted: 07/09/2015
Views: 4
A microcosm of the macrocosm of a big block, and inside a small block hidden as if the man in the universe, as if the Hungarian culture to universal culture as if folk culture of the huge modern culture...
Text: Mikrokozmosz a makrokozmoszban – Tisztelet Bartók Bélának
Translated: Microcosm of the macrocosm - Respect Béla Bartók
Title: Mikrokozmosz a makrokozmoszban
 Artist: Amerigo Tot
 Media (materials) used: metal
 Location (specific park, transit center, library, etc.): square
 Date of creation or placement: Not listed

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