East-Walk Walk - You Yangs, Australia
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S 37° 57.529 E 144° 25.597
55H E 273919 N 5795629
The East-West walk is a 5km circuit hiking trail around Flinders Peak in the You Yangs ranges, providing 360 degree panoramic views of the surrounds.
Waymark Code: WMNWX0
Location: Victoria, Australia
Date Posted: 05/14/2015
Views: 12
The walk takes about 1-and-half hours. There are steep and rocky sections, but nothing too technical.
Because you do a complete loop around Flinders Peak, you get to take in views of Geelong, Melbourne, Avalon airport, the Ford Proving Ground, Aboriginal rock shelters, the Anakie volcanic peaks as well as the Bunjil eagle geoglyph.
The start and end is at the Turntable parking area.
Picture location 1: S 37° 57.528 E 144° 25.596
 Picture Location 2: S 37° 56.754 E 144° 25.344
 Picture Location 3: S 37° 57.300 E 144° 25.368

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