St. John Nepomuk - Busko
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N 50° 28.134 E 020° 43.182
34U E 480107 N 5590804
The statue of St. John Nepomuk in Busko city center.
Waymark Code: WMNPEQ
Location: Świętokrzyskie, Poland
Date Posted: 04/13/2015
Views: 4
St. John Nepomuk was the Czech priest, murdered and thrown into Vltava river in 1393 by Czech king Waclav IV.
He's the patron of good confession, the protector against high water and hailstorm.
The stone statue is placed at the street crossing in Busko city center, vis-a-vis the Busko Museum.
Associated Religion(s): Christian Catholic
 Statue Location: Street crossing vis-a-vis Busko Musem
 Entrance Fee: free
 Artist: Not listed
 Website: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Take a picture of the statue. A waymarker and/or GPSr is not required to be in the image but it doesn't hurt.