Isbank Museum - Istanbul, Turkey
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Rikitan
N 41° 00.965 E 028° 58.363
35T E 665873 N 4542416
Isbank Museum building, constructed in 1892 as the main post office, served since 1917 untill 2005 as bank. From 14 October 2007 converted to bank museum.
Waymark Code: WMNJ9M
Location: Türkiye
Date Posted: 03/22/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member the federation
Views: 2

Isbank Museum

Isbank (more formally Türkiye Is Bankasi) was founded in 1924 . Although there were other banks which were established during the Ottoman Empire (pre 1922) era, Isbank was the first to be established in Republican era. It was converted into Bank Museum in 2007.

The building of the museum was constructed in 1892 as the main post office. In 1917 the building was sold to a local bank and in 1927 when the local bank was bought by Isbank, the building became the Istanbul branch office of Isbank. In 1950s when other branch offices in Istanbul were opened, the branch office was renamed Yeni Camii (“New Mosque”) referring to New Mosque which is to almost adjacent to the building. The branch office was in use till 2004. In 2005 Isbank decided to establish a museum. After renewal, the museum was opened to public on 14 October 2007.

In basement, the former archive rooms are designed as a museum depot and a conference room. The deposit boxes are kept to be displayed. The cash desks in the ground floor are kept as they were and the former security rooms are redesigned as a bookshop and an information desk. The main show rooms are in the first floor.

sources:, own visit and pictures


Year: 1892

Website: [Web Link]

Current Use of Building: bank museum

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