Tour Saint-Jacques - Paris, France
N 48° 51.480 E 002° 20.929
31U E 452235 N 5411874
[FR] En 1824, un industriel achète la tour pour y installer une fonderie de plombs de chasse la transformant en tour à plomb [EN] In 1824 the tower was being used as a shot tower to make small shot.
Waymark Code: WMNDHT
Location: Île-de-France, France
Date Posted: 02/21/2015
Views: 62
[FR] Les cinquante mètres du clocher sont suffisants pour que les gouttes de plomb refroidissent et forment des billes à l'arrivée.
Clocher de style gothique flamboyant, la tour Saint-Jacques constitue le seul vestige de l'église Saint-Jacques-de-la-Boucherie, dédiée à saint Jacques le Majeur.
[EN] This 52-metre (171 ft) Flamboyant Gothic tower is all that remains of the former 16th-century Church of Saint-Jacques-de-la-Boucherie ("Saint James of the butchery"), which was leveled shortly after the French Revolution.
The church, with the exception of the tower, was demolished in 1793; preservation of the tower was a condition of the contract by which the church was bought for the value of its building materials.