Eisenbahn- und Fussgängerbrücke Staffel
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member DerSchnelleLinus
N 50° 23.830 E 008° 02.870
32U E 432325 N 5583224
[DE] Eine Fachwerkbrücke für Eisenbahn und Füssgänger über die Lahn in Staffel / [EN] A truss bridge for trains and pedestrians spanning the river Lahn in Staffel, Germany
Waymark Code: WMN6E4
Location: Hessen, Germany
Date Posted: 01/04/2015
Views: 6

Diese Fachwerkbrücke aus Stahlträger führt in Staffel über die Lahn. Die Brücke wird sohl von der Eisenbahn genutzt, des weiteren befindet sich ein kombinierter Fuß- / Radweg auf der Brücke.

This truss bridge made from steel spans the river Lahn nearby the village of Staffel, close to Limburg a.d. Lahn, Germany. The bridge is used by the rail road, furthermore there is a small walkway for pedestrians and bicycle riders on the bridge.

Parking Coordinates:: N 50° 23.920 W 008° 02.760

Length of Span:
ca. 40m / approx. 40 meters

Date Built: Not listed

www: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Log your find with a picture of the bridge with yourself or your GPS in the foreground. This shot does not have to be taken "on" the bridge. The shot should show the "truss" structure of the bridge as well.
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der Pinguinclan visited Eisenbahn- und Fussgängerbrücke Staffel 05/09/2015 der Pinguinclan visited it