Totem Buffalo Grill de Chambray-les-Tours (Centre, France)
Posted by:
Dragon Ball
N 47° 20.386 E 000° 42.236
31T E 326553 N 5245478
(fr) Totem en bois devant l'entrée du Buffalo Grill de Chambray-les-Tours.
(eng) Wooden totem at the entrance of Buffalo Grill Chambray -les- Tours.
Waymark Code: WMN27P
Location: Centre-Val-de-Loire, France
Date Posted: 12/12/2014
Views: 26
(fr) à l’exception des restaurants parisiens, la localisation en périphérie de ville sous forme de bâtiment isolé facilement identifiable grâce à son toit rouge, ses cornes blanches et son totem à l’entrée.
(eng) with the exception of Parisian restaurants , location near the town in the form of easily identifiable insulated building with its red roof , white horns and his totem at the entrance.
Type of wood carving: Totem pole
 Other type:
 Approximate size/height: 3M
 Artist's Name: Not listed
 Type of wood: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
All logs must be the result of an actual visit to the wooden carving.
"Visited" only remarks will not be accepted.