Kiviks-Äsperöd Arboretum
N 55° 40.719 E 014° 14.299
33U E 452102 N 6170578
This arboretum is located in Southeast of Sweden in a very beautiful area with orchards.
It's one of the most interesting Aroboretum in South Sweden.
Nearby is the National Park of Stenshuvud.
Waymark Code: WMMJ8
Location: Skåne, Sweden
Date Posted: 08/18/2006
Views: 73
Arboretum address: Arboretet Kiviks-EsperödKivik Sweden S-277 31
 Arboretum web site: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
A waymark may not be logged as visited, until the finder makes a trip to it.
To log this waymark, you must be able to prove to the waymark owner that you were at the arboretum in question.
Post a photo of an identifiably part of the Arboretum, having your GPS in the photo would be a good idea. In addition, but optional, you may include a a photo and latitude/longitude coordinates of a favorite tree/shrub specimen.