700th Anniversary - Jicin, Czech Republic
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N 50° 26.194 E 015° 21.203
33U E 525095 N 5587230
Two memorial plaques commemorate the establishment of Jicin town.
Waymark Code: WMMG8J
Location: Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 09/16/2014
Views: 41
The town of Jicín is situated in northeastern Bohemia in a lovely natural setting and the picturesque scenery of a unique Baroque landscape, where both natural and historical monuments attract visitors from all over the world.
Owing to its great location, making it a natural entry point, the town is referred to as the Gateway to the Bohemian Paradise, or Ceský Ráj, the well-known region of natural beauty. It has always been one of the most important Czech tourist regions, second only to the nearby Krkonoše Mountains.
Source and more information: (
visit link)
You can see two memorial plaques commemorating the establishment of Jicin town when you're passing through the Valdická Gate (
visit link) .
One tablet notes a 700th anniversary and second a 600th anniversary the Jicin town.