Site archéologique de la ville antique d'Aléria - Corsica, France
N 42° 06.182 E 009° 30.589
32T E 542153 N 4661341
[FR] Le site archéologique d'Aléria se compose des vestiges de l’ancienne cité romaine. [EN] The archaeological site of Aléria covers a plateau adjacent to the medieval town of the same name.
Waymark Code: WMKTNY
Location: Corse, France
Date Posted: 05/29/2014
Views: 13
[FR] Les constructions urbaines constituent le premier ensemble antique corse, avec forum, portiques, temple, nymphée, maisons et boutiques, balneum et mosaïques, établissement industriel, voirie… La Collectivité Territoriale de Corse en est propriétaire et projette un aménagement conséquent du site, avec un centre d'interprétation. De nombreuses pièces (mobilier, céramiques, monnaies, sculptures, bronzes…) se trouvent cependant aujourd’hui au Musée départemental d'archéologie Jérôme Carcopino, bénéficiant du label "Musée de France".
[EN] Founded by the Phoenicians in the 6th century BC, Aléria was a port city located on major Mediterranean trade routes, and then subsequently occupied by the Greeks, Etruscans and the Romans. The city was burned in 410 AD and sacked by the Vandals in 465 AD, after which time it became a small village of little significance.
The Romans, who realized the strategic position of this town, started settling there as of 259 BC.
From that time, the town began to look like a Roman town: a Roman forum, court, shops, Roman thermal baths…. Aleria became the capital of ancient Corsica and remained the centre of this Romanisation for seven centuries.
Today you can still find many traces from this Roman period.
Most Relevant Historical Period: Roman Empire > 27 B.C.
 Admission Fee: 2€
 Opening days/times: mid-May to end of September
9h00 - 12h00, 13h00 - 18h00
Beginning of October to mid-May
8h00 - 12h00, 13h00 - 17h00
 Web Site: [Web Link]
 Condition: Some remaining traces (ruins) or pieces

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