A plank's bridge -New Brunswick,Canada
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N 45° 57.497 W 066° 55.068
19T E 661349 N 5091520
A rustic bridge in the hearth of the forest!
Waymark Code: WMJBJ1
Location: New Brunswick, Canada
Date Posted: 10/25/2013
Views: 8
We geocaching in a beautiful park and we have to cross several bridges including this one. It is certain that without this bridge we anchored feet and maybe more. Further, we see pieces of bridges torn away by the torrent on the thawing or during heavy rain
Nous faisons du geocaching dans un beau parc et nous avons à franchir plusieurs ponts dont celui-ci. Il est certain que sans ce pont nous nous mouillons les pieds et peut-être plus. Plus loin, nous voyons des morceaux de ponts arrachés par le torrent suite aux dégels ou lors de grosses averses
Trail Name: Little Mactaquac trail
 Approximate Length of Bridge: 50
 Obstacle: little river
 Trail Type: Earthen/Packed Dirt

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