Field of Opium poppy - Polabi, Czech Republic
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N 50° 17.504 E 015° 50.010
33U E 559371 N 5571399
Papaver somniferum [EN:Opium poppy] is the species of plant from which opium and poppy seeds are derived.
Waymark Code: WMJ9KW
Location: Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 10/15/2013
Views: 52
Polabí is the traditional and informal name for a lowlands region located in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic. The name comes from Czech po Labi, meaning "along Labe."
This region is one of the most fertile areas of the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is also one of the biggest poppy grower in Europe - see a paragraph "World production" here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poppy_seed .
So, it is nothing out of the ordinary to find here such fields of Papaver somniferum as this WK shows.
For the preservation of this locality, collection or picking is prohibited.
Species: Papaver somniferum [EN:Opium poppy]
 Habitat Type: cultivated
 Parking Area: N 50° 17.451 E 015° 50.022
 Terrain Rating: 
 Best Viewing Time: From: 07/01/2013 To: 07/31/2013

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