Beatty Churchyard Crosses - Beatty, OR
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member NW_history_buff
N 42° 26.445 W 121° 16.190
10T E 642297 N 4700164
These three metal crosses stand in front of a church-like building in Beatty, OR.
Waymark Code: WMJ8PA
Location: Oregon, United States
Date Posted: 10/11/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Brentorboxer
Views: 1

Located off the main highway in the small and depressing community of Beatty stand these slim, white metal crosses in front of a church-like building. This building is or was a church and the only signage in front reads 'Beatty Valley Gospel Mission'.

This town is a shadow of its former days when it was a logging town. Now, only a few commercial buildings exist and many structures are boarded up and a few homes are abandoned.
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