Sea Caves
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N 34° 52.307 E 032° 20.460
36S E 439771 N 3859022
Here you can see a wonderful place of the geology of cyprus.
Waymark Code: WMHZJP
Location: Cyprus
Date Posted: 09/01/2013
Views: 24
The geology of Cyprus was massively influenced by the collision of the Euro-Asian and African tectonic plates, which happened about 80 million years ago. When the complex of Troodos constituted an island during the Lower Miocene era 25 million years ago, the Mesaoria plain, to the north and the Pentadactylos or Kyrenia range, further north, remained under the sea. Later to the end of Miocene era, Pentadactylos begun rising above the sea, while the Mesaoria plain remained under the sea to be shown above the sea much later in Pleistocene era. Coastline as the latest formation took the last stage in geologic modification. The rocks in general, sedimentary or metamorphic, hard, soft, or fractured, varied in colour and quality, have got a significant meaning in formation of the landscape of Cyprus. Hand in hand with the rocks, different types of soil contribute to the colourful scenery of the country.
The region that we are looking at and can see an example of is the Coastal Plain - These are the elevated beaches that appear almost around the whole Cyprus. At the location you will visit you will see an example of how layers of rock were formed through several depositions – (another example can be seen as forming part of the landscape inland and in particular at a place called Mamonia near Paphos.)
Following the Upper Miocene period (11 to 5 million years ago) the Mediterranean Sea had become enclosed and detached from the Atlantic ocean – this caused an evaporation of the waters in the Mediterranean Sea – with the reconnection of the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic (the opening of the Gibraltar Strait) that occurred during the Pliocene period (5 million to 2.5 million years ago) a new cycle of sedimentation began – siltstones, calcarenites and marls being the deposits. Similar deposits with more layers occur in the following millions of years resulting in the distinctive layered effect easily seen at the location of the Sea Caves.
Further distinctive features here have been caused by the action of the sea on the elevated beach.
At the location where I have taken you, as well as the many layers that can be seen in the exposed rock, you can see a phenomenon formed by waves acting on weak parts of weathered rock in the base of a sea cliff – this creates a split or hollow opening and thus forms sea caves – also known as a marine cave or sea chasm.
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Waymark is confirmed to be publicly accessible: yes
 Access fee (In local currency): .00
 Requires a high clearance vehicle to visit.: no
 Requires 4x4 vehicle to visit.: no
 Public Transport available: no
 Parking Coordinates: Not Listed
 Website reference: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
No specific requirements, just have fun visiting the waymark.