New Apostolic Church, Tucson, AZ
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N 32° 14.551 W 110° 48.947
12S E 517354 N 3567332
This New Apostolic Church can be found on Pima St in Tucson, AZ.
Waymark Code: WMHVHH
Location: Arizona, United States
Date Posted: 08/16/2013
Views: 22
This is the New Apostolic Church in Tucson, Arizona. This is a a church in where people feel at home and, inspired by the Holy Spirit and their love for God, align their lives to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and thus prepare themselves for His return and eternal life.
Their mission is to reach out to all people in order to teach them the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to baptize them with water and the Holy Spirit. Providing soul care and cultivating a warm fellowship in which everyone shall experience the love of God and the joy of serving Him and others.
Their Vision is to create a church in which people feel at home and, inspired by the Holy Spirit and their love for God, align their lives to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and thus prepare themselves for His return and eternal life.
8282 East Pima Street
Tucson, AZ 85715
Phone: (520) 296-3902
Year Built: 2009
 Worship Times: Services 10:30am, Wed 7:30pm, Sunday School 9am
 Website: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
At least one photo. You're welcome to be in the picture, but please, No GPSr.