Wraith Falls
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N 44° 56.256 W 110° 37.430
12T E 529679 N 4976087
Not far off the Grand Loop road is the unique Wraith Falls.
Waymark Code: WMHH8
Location: Wyoming, United States
Date Posted: 07/16/2006
Views: 38
Wraith Falls, a 100-foot gently sloping cascade on Lupine Creek was named in 1885 by members of the Hague parties of the U.S. Geological Survey. Although there is no documentation of the reason for this name, the survey members were apparently reminded of a ghost or spectre in the gossamer rivulets of white water here. There is an easy, half-mile-long trail to this falls, which takes hikers to an overlook that was moved and revamped in the early 1990s. Signs mark the trailhead on the Mammoth-Tower Road about a mile east of the Lava Creek Picnic Area. Keen eyed visitors can even spot this falls in the distance from the upper terraces at Mammoth.
I'm not a student of waterfalls so the terms offered as descriptors were new to me. I was trying to decide between the description of FAN or HORSETAIL. When I looked at my photo - Horsetail just jumps out so I am going with that style. Please let me know if I am wrong in my description.
Type: Horsetail
 Watercourse: Lupine Creek, Yellowstone National Park
 Waterfall Height: 100
 Viewpoint: Bottom
 Path Up and Down: None
 Walk Behind: Not at all
 Parking Coordinates: Not Listed
 Seasonality: Not listed
 Seasons of Best Flow: Not listed
