Christy's Auction House - La Plata, Missouri
Posted by: Groundspeak Charter Member BruceS
N 40° 01.328 W 092° 29.455
15T E 543441 N 4430337
Auction house in the downtown area of La Plata, Missouri.
Waymark Code: WMHE3G
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 06/29/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member uccacher
Views: 2

The Christy's Auction House conducts consignment auctions at its location on the south side of the square in downtown La Plata. It also conducts auctions on site for estate, farm and real estate auctions.
Type of Auctions Held: Consignment auctions

When are the auctions held?: Saturdays 10:00 but varies, check website

126 E Sanders
La Plata, Missouri

Web Address: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
One photograph of the auction house building is required.
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