Museo Archeologico - Verona, Italy
N 45° 26.828 E 011° 00.103
32T E 656533 N 5034571
In 1923, the city of Verona created the Archeological Museum in the cells, refectory and church of the old convent of St. Gerolamo.
Waymark Code: WMHBD4
Location: Veneto, Italy
Date Posted: 06/19/2013
Views: 4
The archaeological museum of the Roman Theatre houses important artefacts and finds of the Verona’s Roman past.
In it are exhibited mosaics, bronzes, statues, inscriptions, glass, ceramics and all the archeological finds collected all over Verona and its territory.
Theme: (Roman) Archeology
 Street Address: Museo Archeologico del Teatro Romano
Regaste Redentore, 2
37129 Verona
 Food Court: no
 Gift Shop: no
 Hours of Operation: Tuesday-Sunday 8,30-19,30; Monday 13,30-19,30
 Cost: 6.00 (listed in local currency)
 Museum Size: Small
 Relevant Web Site: [Web Link]

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