New Apostolic Prayer Room - Prague, Czech Republic
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member ToRo61
N 50° 04.673 E 014° 24.380
33U E 457523 N 5547459
Small, country, small church...
Waymark Code: WMGRCW
Location: Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
Date Posted: 04/04/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
Views: 79

Czech Republic is a small country in the middle of Europe. There live currently about 10 million people. Only about one third of those 10 million is committed to a any church. The largest number of believers has the Roman Catholic Church - just over one million.
The New Apostolic Church is one of the smallest. This also corresponds with its headquarters in Prague (capital city of Czech Republic). In ordinary townhouse is placed a prayer room and on the second floor is located the headquarters of the Church for the whole country.

Ceská republika je malá zeme uprostred evropy. V soucasnosti má celkem okolo 10 miliónu lidí. Pouze asi jedna tretina z techo 10 miliónu se hlasí k nejaké církvi. Nejvetší pocet verících má rímsko katolická církev - neco pres jeden milión.
tato církev je jedna z nejmenších. Tomu odpovídá i její centrála v hlavním meste Praze. V obycejném meštanském dome je umístnena modlitebna a ve druhém patre je centrála této církve pro celou republiku.
Worship Times: every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Year Built: Not listed

Website: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
At least one photo. You're welcome to be in the picture, but please, No GPSr.
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