Frederiksted Hospital, Frederiksted, Saint Croix, US Virgin Islands
Posted by:
N 17° 42.652 W 064° 52.988
20Q E 300294 N 1959196
King Cross & Strand streets, Frederiksted
Waymark Code: WMGKBH
Location: US Virgin Islands
Date Posted: 03/16/2013
Views: 6
"Frederiksted Hospital - Erected as a 2-story town house in 1803 by the DaCosta family, this sturdy building has been greatly modified over the years. Major alterations occurred in the 1930's, when the residence
was converted into Frederiksted's main hospital."
Group that erected the marker: St. Croix Historic Preservation Commission
 URL of a web site with more information about the history mentioned on the sign: [Web Link]
 Address of where the marker is located. Approximate if necessary: 22 Strand Street Frederiksted, VI USA 00840

Visit Instructions:
Take a picture of the marker, preferably including yourself or your GPSr in the photo. A very detailed description of your visit may be substituted for a photo. In any case please provide a description of your visit. A description of only "Visited" or "Saw it while on vacation" by anyone other than the person creating the waymark may be deleted by the waymark owner or the category officers.