Lodenice Stream Footbridge , Srbsko, Czech Republic
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member ToRo61
N 49° 56.906 E 014° 07.679
33U E 437439 N 5533262
Footbridge as part of cycle trail called In the Footsteps of the Czech Kings
Waymark Code: WMG6KD
Location: Středočeský kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 01/20/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member CM-14
Views: 70

Part of the newly created cycle trail called In the Footsteps of the Czech Kings (CZ: Po stopách ceských králu) (visit link) , located in the Beroun District and linking Beroun with the castles at Tocník, Karlštejn and Nižbor, is a walking trail of the same name, which relates the history of limestone mining and provides information on rare animals and fossils associated with the famous scholar, Joachim Barrande.
Trail Name: In the Footsteps of the Czech Kings

Approximate Length of Bridge: 30

Obstacle: Lodenice Stream

Trail Type: Earthen/Packed Dirt

Visit Instructions:
Photos are encouraged, but not required.
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