Former Drinkwater Lodge No.41, Drinkwater, SK
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member T0SHEA
N 50° 17.792 W 105° 08.116
13U E 490365 N 5571610
This one time Masonic lodge is on the corner of Main and Wenzel Streets in the tiny town of Drinkwater. Drinkwater straddles Highway 39 about 30 km. south east of Moose Jaw, SK.
Waymark Code: WMG6FQ
Location: Saskatchewan, Canada
Date Posted: 01/19/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member JBDiver
Views: 5

On the prairies it is not uncommon for small towns to become smaller while neighboring towns become larger. Such was the case with Drinkwater. Not only did this loss of population affect the business sector, but it also took a toll on organizations.

The Masonic Temple in the neighboring town of Briercrest, No. 88 was constituted in 1912, so I imagine that this one was founded close to the same time. Over the years, as the local population dwindled, it became evident that the proper course of action for this temple to take was amalgamation with the nearest temple, that of Briercrest, which is about 12 miles to the south west. This occurred in 1987, about 75 years after its founding.

If this building was the first and only Masonic Temple in Drinkwater, which is quite likely, that would make this building about 100 years old as of 2012. Frankly, it looks its age.


Other: Not listed

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