Hardin County Armory (Former) - Kenton, Ohio
N 40° 38.944 W 083° 36.468
17T E 279509 N 4503071
The Armory is located at 128 N Main St. Kenton, Ohio
Waymark Code: WMFN7X
Location: Ohio, United States
Date Posted: 11/07/2012
Views: 1
The Hardin County Armory is one of the 3rd oldest and most unique Armories in Ohio. Its architecture represents the Late Victorian, Richardsonian Romanesque Style. Construction began in 1893. The corner stone was laid on August 2, 1894. Governor William McKinley, soon to be President, and his staff were all in attendance along with many other prominent officials. The corner stone ceremony had an estimated attendance of over 25,000 people. The new Armory was formally dedicated on April 15, 1895 with a military ball. The interior included a shooting range, steam baths, hardwood auditorium floor, and a balcony which encircled the entire auditorium.
Massive, two story towers with rifle ports and the front facade are made of sandstone . This building saw some of Ohio’s greatest social, political, and military events. The structure had the ability to seat and serve dinner to over 2,000 people which caused the building to host the most prominent of gatherings. One being the national Presidential campaign of 1912 when a full house listened to addresses from President William H. Taft and former President Theodore Roosevelt. The Armory has also served the United States and Ohio in every military action since its completion up until it was vacated by the National Guard in 1991.
Locally, the Armory has served the county of Hardin as the location of community events, political dinners, professional wrestling and golden glove boxing matches. The Armory even housed one of the very first professional womens basketball teams in the 1920's.
In 1947, the Armory was totally gutted by a fire that started in the basement. The building was reopened in 1948 after extensive reconstruction was made to the interior. All of the wood in the building was replaced with block and concrete construction.
The Amory sat idle for six years. The Hardin County Armory Restoration Foundation was formed in 1997. Since the restoration it has become a 7,500 square-foot banquet facility.
Era: Napoleonic - WW I
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