Bilim Agaci - Ankara, Turkey
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N 39° 52.173 E 032° 44.974
36S E 478582 N 4413308
TR: Bilim agaci - Porselen heykel
EN: Tree of science - Porcelain sculpture
Waymark Code: WMFKMG
Location: Türkiye
Date Posted: 10/31/2012
Views: 2
Eser adi
Bilim agacinin dallarini gösteren porselen cubuklar, bilimin ve bilginin sonsuzlugunu vurgulamaktadir.
Yapim teknigi
Porselen camuru elle sekillendirilip, demir oksit ve yari seffaf sir kullanilmis, 1285 C de pisirilmis ve granit kaide de metal konstruksiyon üzerine monte edilmistir.
Sanatci: Prof. Hamiye Colakoglu
Yapim yili: 1997
Depicted piece of art showing the tree with the branches of science (porcelain rods), which emphasizes the infinity of science and knowledge.
Construction technique
There was used hand-shaped porcelain clay, iron oxide, and semi-transparent glaze (burned out with 1285 degrees of Celsius), this all placed on granite pedestal with the metal construction.
Artist: Prof. Hamiye Colakoglu
Year built: 1997
Title: Bilim agaci / Tree of science
 Artist: Prof. Hamiye Colakoglu
 Media (materials) used: porcelain / metal / granite
 Location (specific park, transit center, library, etc.): Bilkent university campus
 Date of creation or placement: 1997

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