Imobiliária J. Graça, Portugal
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N 39° 45.409 W 008° 49.212
29S E 515401 N 4400782
In this place you'll find a Real Estate and a Fruit Shop, under the some location and owner.
Waymark Code: WMFGB9
Location: Leiria, Portugal
Date Posted: 10/16/2012
Views: 3
Here is Imobiliária J. Graça (Real Estate) that also sells fruit and vegetables (da horta, frutas, cebolas, etc) as you can see in the vitrine.
Physical Address: Quinta do Alçada Leiria, Portugal 2400
 Description/Review: It sells houses, lands and buildings as well fruits and vegatables.
 Hours of Operation: 9.00-13.00 and 15.00-19.00
 Website: Not listed

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