Skatepark des Urselines - Brussels
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member RakeInTheCache
N 50° 50.528 E 004° 21.046
31U E 595102 N 5633139
The Ursulines square is not a conventional playground, but a fantastic multi-purpose space adapted to skateboards for teenagers and younger adults.
Waymark Code: WMF7Q0
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Date Posted: 09/06/2012
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Mark1962
Views: 8

It has ramps, trampolines, bowls and bars, as well as a number of benches to use for roller-blading, skating or BMX.
Square des Ursulines
Brussels, Belgium

Are bikes allowed?: Yes

Saftey gear required.: no

Do you have to pay? If so whats the cost.: Don't think so

Inside or outside?: Outdoor

Are you a skateboarder.: No

Visit Instructions:
Take a picture of the skate park. and if possible include your self in the picture.
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