Decathlon — Dreieich-Sprendlingen, Germany
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member prussel
N 50° 01.900 E 008° 42.192
32U E 478743 N 5542193
Strore of the French sporting goods chain in Germany
Waymark Code: WMEYQ4
Location: Hessen, Germany
Date Posted: 07/24/2012
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member caverspencer
Views: 17

Diese Filiale des französischen Sportartikelherstellers Decathlon bietet auf 4000 qm eine große Auswahl an Sportartikeln. Die Filiale befindet sich im Industriegebiet von Dreieich-Sprendlingen, wenige Kilometer südlich von Frankfurt am Main an der Autobahn A661.

This store of the French sportswear company Decathlon offers on 4.000 sqm a large selection of sporting goods. The branch is located in the industrial area of Dreieich-Sprendlingen, a few miles south of Frankfurt am Main near the motorway A661.

Robert-Bosch-Str. 15
D 63303 Dreieich
Tel : +49 6103 2008510

Mo - Sa: 9:00 - 20:00 Uhr

Rentals: Not Listed

Guided Tours: Not Listed

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Chip+Dale visited Decathlon — Dreieich-Sprendlingen, Germany 07/04/2015 Chip+Dale visited it