Löschfahrzeuge FFW Stans - Tirol, Austria
N 47° 22.140 E 011° 43.184
32T E 705335 N 5249757
Löschfahrzeuge FFW Stans - Tirol, Austria
Waymark Code: WMEY38
Location: Tirol, Austria
Date Posted: 07/20/2012
Views: 6
In dem kleinen Ort Stans gibt es diese Freiwillige Feuerwehr.
Das Gebäude hat drei Garagen für die Löschfahrzeuge.
Durch die offene Garagentür konnten wir Fotos vom Kommandofahrzeug und einem der beiden Löschfahrzeuge machen.
In the small village of Stans, there is this volunteer fire department.
The building has three garages for fire trucks.
Through the open garage door, we were able to take photographs of the command vehicle and one of two fire trucks.
Visit Instructions:
1. We like to see pictures from complete Fire Fighting Vehicles.
2. Indicate the City, Province and Country where the vehicle is located, with the coordinates.
3. If you can please note some data and info from the vehicle.
4. If you like you can log as many as you want, but it has too be a different.