Tammany Creek Cemetery - Webb, ID
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member beagle39z
N 46° 18.668 W 116° 53.204
11T E 508721 N 5128623
Tammany Creek Cemetery is located off Tammany Creek Rd at the junction of Waha Rd. and Powell
Waymark Code: WMEHE6
Location: Idaho, United States
Date Posted: 05/31/2012
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Raine
Views: 1

There are about 35-40 people buried here. It looks like it's maintained by the Tammany Livestock & 4-H club.
Earliest Burial: 04/13/1881

Latest Burial: 01/01/1944

Visit Instructions:
Take a photo of at least one grave marker and including a qualitative and quantitative description
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