Geupchisan Lookout Tower (급치산) - Jindo, Korea
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
N 34° 24.617 E 126° 06.081
52S E 233568 N 3811459
This observation tower is located on peak along the west coast of the island of Jindo off Korea's south coast. This is a favorite place for viewing sunsets.
Waymark Code: WMEDZH
Location: Jeolla nam do, South Korea
Date Posted: 05/14/2012
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member harleydavidsonandy
Views: 2


The access to this observation tower is from Route 18, and serveral kilometers up a steep, narrow, winding road. The tower itself is only about 60 feet (10m) high since it is built on a high promontory. (There road beyond here is close, but leads to a military installation on a slightly higher point).

The tower is constructed of concrete and has tow levels accessed by sets of stairs. The observation decks are not enclosed, so it can be windy here. The small hill around the base of the tower is landscaped with banks of beautiful white azaleas. There is ample parking for several dozen cars and there are restrooms.

Views from here give striking vistas of other smaller islands to the west and north, and of the granite ridges to the east. The setting sun can be quite dramatic from this vantage point.


Height of Look-Out Tower in feet: Not Listed

Opening times and fees: Not listed

Parking Area: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
Please log only if you have been up there and you must include a photo of the scenic view from the top.
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