Gochang-Goindol Rest Area Playground (고창고인돌 휴게소 IC-15남) - Gochang, Korea
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
N 35° 28.172 E 126° 40.459
52S E 288977 N 3927600
This little play area is located at a large rest area on IC-15 south bound.
Waymark Code: WMECPD
Location: Gyeongsang buk do, South Korea
Date Posted: 05/08/2012
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Lord Elwood
Views: 1

고창고인돌 휴게소 IC-15남

There is a beautiful mosaic wall on the north end of this playground. There are a few basic play structures mounted on a foam pad surface. This full service rest area, on IC-15 south bound, near the town of Gochang, has a food court, convenience store, other shops, a children's play area, and a large monument to commemorate the construction of this section of the expressway.
Hours of Operation: From: 12:00 AM To: 12:00 AM

Seasonal?: no

Recommended for travelers?: yes

Business?: no

Playground Owned/Managed By:
Korean Highway Department

Park Entrance: Not Listed

Restrooms Available: Not Listed

Entrance Fee: Not Listed

Playground Web Page: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Chin-Up Bars To log a Visit, please make every effort to supply an image of yourself at the site. The standard GPS photo may be used as well, or even just an image that you took when you visited the location. If you do not have the option to provide an image, please provide a detailed description of your visit so we can form a 'mental image'.
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