London Fire Brigade - Greenwich, London, UK
Posted by:
N 51° 28.815 W 000° 00.551
30U E 707669 N 5707475
This truck was noticed across the street from St. Alfege Church in Greenwich, London.
Waymark Code: WMDNKD
Location: London, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 02/05/2012
Views: 13
Although there are several numbers on this truck, the poster of this Waymark is unfamiliar with which number, if any, is an identifier of the vehicle. The license plate is AEO7HWL.
The London Fire Brigade is the largest in the country. See their website at (
visit link)
The Greenwich Division's webpage (
visit link) informs us:
"249/259 Lewisham High Street, Lewisham, London SE13 6NH
Tel: 020 8555 1200 ext 36500
Email: LBGreenwichGroup@london-fire.gov.uk
Borough Commander
Andy Rickard
For information on the work we are doing in Greenwich download 'How we are making your borough safer'. To see the stations and fire safety centre in your borough go to in your area."