Buda Marl, Budapest, Hungary
N 47° 31.666 E 019° 01.861
34T E 351790 N 5265694
Buda Marl, Budapest, Hungary
Waymark Code: WMDNEH
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Date Posted: 02/05/2012
Views: 16
The rock you can see in front of Pusztaszeri street 5/b reveals the so-called Buda Marl of Upper Eocene age (about 40 million years) largely varying in hardness and composition, being locally more limy (calcareous) and harder, in other places more clayey (argillaceous) and softer. It is one of the typical rocks build up the Buda Hills.
This wall is considered as the typical look of Buda Marl. Therefore it is protected and can be found between the geological base sections of the Hungarian Geological Survey.
Waymark is confirmed to be publicly accessible: yes
 Parking Coordinates: N 47° 31.666 W 019° 01.861
 Access fee (In local currency): .00
 Requires a high clearance vehicle to visit.: no
 Requires 4x4 vehicle to visit.: no
 Public Transport available: yes
 Website reference: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
No specific requirements, just have fun visiting the waymark.