Kloster Liebfrauenhöhe - Ergenzingen, Germany, BW
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N 48° 28.783 E 008° 48.631
32U E 485996 N 5369638
This is the Kloster Liebfrauenhöhe (Abbey Liebfrauenhöhe) located nearby to Ergenzingen, Germany, Baden-Württemberg.
Waymark Code: WMDKFQ
Location: Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Date Posted: 01/25/2012
Views: 5
This is the Kloster Liebfrauenhöhe (Abbey Liebfrauenhöhe) located nearby to Ergenzingen, Germany, Baden-Württemberg.
The abbey is managed by the Schönstätter Marienschwestern (nones).
It was founded in 1952. So it is a very young abbey.
There's a church named 'Kirche Mariä Krönung' and another small church.
There is a school for domestic economy and for nursery-school teachers.
Full name of the abbey/monastery/convent: Schönstätter Marienschwestern Liebfrauenhöhe
 Address: Liebfrauenhöhe Rottenburg-Ergenzingen, BW Germany 72108
 Religious affiliation: Schönstätter Marienschwestern
 Date founded/constructed: 1952
 Web Site: [Web Link]
 Status of Use: Acitvely Used

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