Pittsboro Presbyterian Church, Pittsboro, North Carolina
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N 35° 43.227 W 079° 10.547
17S E 664999 N 3954476
The Pittsboro Presbyterian Church is located on East Street in Pittsboro a couple of blocks from the courthouse. It dates from 1850, but the current sanctuary was built in 1875.
Waymark Code: WMDJH
Location: North Carolina, United States
Date Posted: 05/27/2006
Views: 84
The Pittsboro Presbyterian Church is a brick church still in use today. It was originally a simple brick structure built in 1850 and was substantially rebuilt in 1875 to its current appearance. A major restoration was done in 1971. This building is alos on the National Register of Historic Places.
The pews are believed to be original. The church bell, imported from London, was offered to the Confederate government during the Civil War, since brass was in short supply, but the offer was not accepted.
There is a small churchyard cemetery behind the church.
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