Rose Garden of Cruickshank Botanic Garden - Aberdeen - UK
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N 57° 10.077 W 002° 06.168
30V E 554256 N 6336438
The Cruickshank Botanic Garden sits in the medieval burgh of Old Aberdeen, between St Machar's Cathedral and King's College.
Waymark Code: WMD40D
Location: Northern Scotland, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 11/15/2011
Views: 16
The Rose Garden was created in 1980 to illustrate the history of the rose in cultivation. By the wall and pergola are climbers, ramblers, species and near-species roses, including a magnificent specimen of Rosa brunonii 'Betty Sherriff'. At the other end are beds of shrub roses, including many which have been in cultivation since early medieval times. The central sunken part, paved with York stone, has a selection of modern hybrid tea and floribunda roses. The Rose Garden is bounded by excellent hedges of yew, holly and box.
The Cruickshank Botanic Garden sits in the medieval burgh of Old Aberdeen, between St Machar's Cathedral and King's College. The Garden is in a sheltered situation, about 1ml from the sea, with relatively mild winters and not much frost.
It was founded in 1898 with a bequest from Miss Anne Cruickshank, given in memory of her brother Dr Alexander Cruickshank. Their father had been Regius Professor of Mathematics in the University. The original Deed of Trust specified that the Garden was to be 'for the furtherance of University interests and the public good'. The Garden is true to its origins, and provides an educational resource both for University students and for the thousands of schoolchildren who visit the Natural History Centre, as well as a wonderful amenity for staff, students and the general public.